Presbyterian Women's 26th Annual Retreat

Saturday, February 24, 2018
9:00 am - 12:30 pm

"Simplicity: Synched Into the Savior"

Event Speaker:
Heidi Joffrion, Psy.D., M.F.T.

heidiWomen of Palm Springs Presbyterian Church have gathered on a special Spring morning for over 25 years with a Retreat. The only expectation of those attending is that you love the Lord or want to learn more about God and Love.

Planners through the years have brought a rich and inspiring bounty of speakers to our Church, building fellowship and learning that enriches us all! This year, your Retreat Team has reached out to an incredible presenter with experience leading Retreats.

Heidi Joffrion, Psy.D, is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist as well as a psychologist. She was born into a Christian home with a habit of regular church attendance and came to a personal relationship with Jesus at age 5. She went to Biola University, then transferred to CSUF. Her junior year began a 3 year involvement with Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship.

She is a member of Lake Arrowhead Community Presbyterian Church. She has been involved in teaching both Wednesday night and Sunday school programs. She has played in the bell choir and co-organized 5 women’s retreats. Heidi and her husband of 26 years are parents of two children.

9:00-9:15 Registration and Coffee
9:15-9:30 Opening Prayer and Introduction
9:30-10:15 "Considering Simplicity"
10:15-10:35 Coffee Break and Friendship Making
10:35-11:20 "Centered on Christ"
11:20-11:35 Stretching Break and Frienship Making
11:30-12:20 "Anything or Anybody"
12:20-12:30 Closing Prayer and Photo Time!


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Presbyterian Women's 24th Annual Retreat

March 5, 2016

"Experience in Perspective- A Faith Journey Or The Unfailing Love of God in Our Lives"

by Reverend Christine Dickerson

christineRev. Christine was born in Seattle, Washington. She attended public schools, graduating from Franklin High School. She received her Bachelor of Arts from The University of Washington, the first graduate of Native American History from that University. Between her first and last classes at the U of W, Christine managed to hitchhike through Europe, lived in Hong Kong as a film editor for German Television, trained in Sound Engineering and worked for Warner Bros. Studios in Hollywood.

Returning to Seattle and initially continuing her work in film and video, she prepared to enter Law School. God had a different idea, however, and she began to feel the tug of ministry. Christine received her Masters of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary in 1996, and was ordained as a Minister of the Word and Sacrament to begin work as Director of Spiritual Care for Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, a Level One trauma Center. Eventually, Harborview became a ‘teaching hospital’ for Chaplains, and she moved into Congregational Ministry.

In 2011, Rev. Christine received a call to Palm Springs Presbyterian Church where she continues to serve as solo Pastor for a wonderful and increasingly diverse congregation.

Read more: Women's Retreat March 2016

Presbyterian Women's 23rd Annual Retreat

March 7, 2014

"Emotions - God's Gift"

Guest Speaker: Kathleen Moore

kathleen mooreKathy Moore is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in Washington State. She and her husband Greg (also a therapist) have been involved with ministry to families and individuals throughout their 39 year marriage. They have three children and four grandchildren.

Kathy speaks to women’s groups and to couples about emotional health, relationship skills, and spiritual growth. Her counseling practice focuses on couples dealing with conflict or sexual issues and on women working through life transitions, relationship challenges, sexual issues, and trauma histories.

She and Greg love to see God at work in counseling sessions and in the lives of their clients. They also enjoy visiting Palm Springs at least once a year!

Read more: Women's Retreat March 2015

Presbyterian Women's 24th Annual Retreat

November 14, 2015

"Turning Adversity into Victory"

Guest Speaker: Dessa Reed

dessaPSPC Women’s Retreat Committee sponsored an inspirational talk by Dessa Reed, speaker, poet, feature writer and author of three books, on Saturday, November 14 from 10 to 12. Dessa shared her experience of “Turning Adversity into Victory” during months of recovery from a near-fatal auto accident.

During this informal gathering, she’ll told the story of finding her poetic voice and turning it into an adventure that took her from Paris to China with many creative stops in between!

Read more: Women's Retreat November 2015

Presbyterian Women's 22nd Annual Retreat

Saturday, March 1, 2014

"Gifts from His Heart to Yours"

Guest Speaker: Michele Telfer

michele telferBorn to non-Christian parents in Zambia, Africa, Michele grew up in neighboring Zimbabwe. She and her husband Colin married in 1983 and re-located to Botswana after less than a year. It was there, after living a life far from the Lord, they both accepted Christ.

After struggling for nine years with infertility, and an incredibly difficult first pregnancy, the Lord blessed Michele and Colin with two children, Steven and Megan, born 17 months apart.

During their 16 years in Botswana, they frequently went on Safari, often traveling alone through vast tracts of wilderness. A captivating and humorous story teller, Michele frequently uses her wide variety of life experiences to teach deep spiritual truths.

The Lord has used Michele as a Bible teacher for more than 20 years and has given her the opportunity to speak in many churches in Africa and to Christian groups in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom, before opening the door for her to speak and serve in the United States. In addition to her speaking commitments, she currently presents weekly Bible classes at her home church.

An animated Bible teacher and graduate of CLASS (Christian Leaders, Authors and Speakers Service), Michele’s own transparency and genuine concern for others make her messages memorable and encouraging.

Read more: Women's Retreat March 2014

Presbyterian Women's 21st Annual Retreat

March 2013

Guest Speaker and Performer: Jilleen

JilleenJilleen is a Christian Recording Artist & Speaker from Southern California.

She has shared her talent at Saddleback Church, The Crystal Cathedral and for events sponsored by The Southern Baptist Convention and MOPS International.

Jilleen’s latest groundbreaking CD “The Hymns Experience” is a new look at the traditional hymns of the faith. With a fresh respectful approach, Jilleen weaves a tapestry of history and faith together bringing the listener to a point of reflection.

In 2003, Jilleen felt called by God to broaden her ministry and now speaks on a variety of topics, including The Emotional Wholeness Seminar, that has encouraged and entertained audiences at retreats, conferences and ministry events nationwide.

While at home, Jilleen enjoys spending time with her husband, Andrew of nine years and their two young children named Garrett and Ella.

Read more: Women's Retreat March 2013

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March 30, 2025, 10:00 AM
''Through God's Eyes''
Rev. Barbara Thursby
 Psalm 32:2; Joshua 5:8-12; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

Stuffed Animals

Donation of stuffed animals for emergency vehicles ongoing until March 30.

Congregational Life Luncheon

Congregational Life Luncheon right after worship on March 23rd. Please join us. All donations to PAP fund.

Bake Sale

Attention Bakers, chef’s and Buyers: Bake and Food Sale on April 6th after worship. All proceeds to Pastor Acquistion Plan.