
The 2 cents a Meal Offering goes towards alleviating hunger in the U.S. and the world through food programs for the poor, promoting free trade for locally produced products, promoting for wage campaigns and many other programs.  By setting aside 2 cents each time we are blessed with a meal, we can make a difference!

PSPC Church InteriorThe following is an excerpt from a letter from Dr. Barbara Nagy who is a doctor at a hospital in Malawi. “Dear Friends, Greetings from Malawi and joy and peace to you. We are getting lots and lots of rain, fields have been planted, and people are once again giving thanks for the start of another growing season. While the severe famine from last year will continue at least another three months, we have received gifts from many corners to help, and for the time being we have some food aid available. In particular, the orphan project and poor people from all of our congregations are receiving emergency food from the 2-Cents-a-Meal program, and the hospital has funds forDSC_0010 feeding the many malnourished children on the children’s ward. We are extremely grateful for this support, and are seeing daily, it’s impact on the hungry around us. Children are admitted with severe edema from malnutrition, and as they get adequate food we see the “real children’ emerge like butterflies from cocoons, able to sit up, smile, and play again. Still over 50 percent of the children’s ward admissions suffer from acute or chronic malnutrition, and I will not feel satisfied until we have attacked this problem more at its root causes, a very long-term task.

It is amazing what even a few pennies can achieve to make the world a better place for God's children.  At PSPC, we also donate half of what we receive from this offering to The Well, a local program for providing food and temporary housing to the homeless in the Coachella Valley.


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Sundays at 10:00 AM
(760) 320-2769

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Upcoming In-Person and Online Service

February 23, 2025, 10:00 AM
''Practicing Christian Love''
Rev. Barbara Thursby
Psalm 37: 1-11, 39-40, Genesis 45: 3-11, 15, Luke 6: 27-38

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Service with Rev. Christine Dickerson and Rev Brian Symonds on March 5 at 6 pm.